Sunday, April 28, 2019


what you think 
is how you feel

what you say 
makes it real

control your thoughts
and your mouth

so life has a chance 
to romance you


blue is a primary color
so are red 
and yellow

on their own they 
are pleasant

mixed together
they become amazing


seems like happiness
likes to play
hide and seek

you peek around 
the corner hoping 
to find it

but it’s not there

then when you least 
expect it

it jumps out and says

here I am. 

by Lynn Hahn

Monday, February 4, 2019


Why is the desire to survive
so strong?

When someone passes
“they are going a better place”
is the song.

Does this seem wrong?

It’s confusing 
if nothing else…

Mammals of every sort
fight to the death
to support 
their life

Why fight 
for your life

Why cry 
when others die

Isn’t going to a 
better place


Just asking.

By Lynn Hahn