Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Dedicated to learning the rules so
he can defend others

He rides his bike on the snowy road
white breath streaming from his nostrils 

So much to learn such a high cost
thoughts of comfort at the end  
brought warmth to his body

Promised an easy road once
completing his journey
He hits black ice and skids almost falling
he relaxes and goes with the flow
because he knows he is assured 
his reward will come when he is done

Faster and faster he goes
trusting the word of honor

Many obstacles get in his way
he swerves around them 
sometimes goes thru them

He sees some others have turned around 
and wonders why
The route is longer than he anticipated
he begins to tire

Determined he continues 
his body getting so cold

He keeps going because he was told
it will pay off at the end

He sees others laying on the ground their bikes

Concern begins to visit his mind
but forward he goes so he’ll be on time

Muscles are burning wheels keep turning
slower and slower 
Was he on the wrong street?
he should be there by now

Confusion fills his thoughts
I know it is here
this was the way

Soon he sees another biker
asks “am I  going the correct way?"

“No” says the biker
"because you were told a lie"

"There is no destination" 
the biker said with a deep sigh

"We’ve been tricked by the leaders
not sure why"

He looks at his hands blue from the cold
standing with nothing in them

Such a shock

He slowly turns his bike around
then pedals as fast as he can 

Not sure where he’ll end up
but not willing to give up

He knows he will find another destination
because that’s what he does

When life knocks him down 
He gets up off the ground
and starts again…

By Lynn Hahn

Monday, January 30, 2017


She said she wanted to go home
he replied “not now”

The look on her face
said there was more
going on than just her words

Were they fighting
was she just tired

She put her fork down
and gazed out the window

He continued to eat 
like he did not notice
her needs

With no words 
she got up and went
to the ladies room

He took out his cell phone
and began texting

So distant they were
like this was a dance
they often engaged in

I had to leave so I did 
not see the conclusion

But was left wondering
how do people 
get to that place

Where their relationship 
is taken for granted

Where the light they saw
in each others eyes
dies out…

By Lynn Hahn

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Still working on projects...this one was 10 sacred things or memories. This was tough! So many memories from which to pick. I don't hold things sacred so ugh here's what I came up with. Hope you like it.
I tend to not find things sacred
but rather memories 

Things can burn up in a fire
but memories are your’s forever

Like the first time I saw my son
when they laid him on my stomach

Like the look on my husband's face
when he said “I do’’

Like the look on my son’s face
when he too said “I do” to his sweet wife

Like the time as small child when my big brother 
put me on his handle bars
and we road to the park to carve bad words in a tree

Like the time I went to meet my Australian terrier 
when she was a puppy 
and she jumped into my arms claiming me 

Like the time I went to meet my Norfolk terrier 
when he too was a puppy
and looked into his eyes telling him “your gonna love me”

Like the time my son told me 
I was going to be a grandmother

Like the time I found out 
it was going to be a boy!

Like the time my son tried to teach me how to cook

Like the time my son and daughter- in- law came to my hotel room
to comfort me when I was overwhelmed by my upcoming divorce

These are memories I hold dear and often visit
especially when life gets just too hard…

By Lynn Hahn

Saturday, January 28, 2017


I was gifted an assignment book. Today's homework is a poem  about  under water. It is not based on truth. Altho Virginia Wolf took her life 01/28/1941 in this manner.

Into my nostrils
the salty sea

the waves begird
my figure

deeper and deeper
I step into the ocean

her friendly arms
welcoming me

come sad maiden

I will wash away 
your pain

you will never
anguish  again…

by Lynn Hahn

Friday, January 27, 2017


I am doing daily assignments. Today was trip and math terms. This is what I came up with. My sister and I are the stars of the story lol

2 little girls
the back seat

3 bags of candy

upset tummies
from too many yummies.

By Lynn Hahn

Thursday, January 26, 2017


I got a wonderful gift! A poem a day assignment. Walt Whitman style poem about chocolate was today's assignmet... SO FUN

O to chocolate so sweet and dangerous
thoughts of you cloud my mind

There was time I could devour
your rich contentment by the hour

Twas Christmas when the first box
entered my dwelling

Lack of control experienced by all
was the reality of the day

A tradition including consuming
your addiction became the way

To celebrate around the lighted tree
So much power given to thee.

By Lynn Hahn

Wednesday, January 25, 2017



Today is my birthday
not sure if I'm happy or sad

I'd be glad 
if at 30
we started counting backward

So many candles on my cake!!!
I need a FIRE extinguisher...

By Lynn Hahn

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


My norfolk needed to be groomed!! So crazy the method used to groom terriers.

Stripping my terrier
could not be a hairier 

Want to ask

Doesn’t it seem odd
to breed a dog

That needs to plucked
like a chicken? 

By Lynn Hahn

Monday, January 23, 2017



Oh to the sparkle ball 
It calls for such beauty

Gown to the ground
rhinestones galore

Loveliness ahead for sure

Prepare the face 
to match the gown

Soon I’m wearing
a frown

Pink sparkle eye shadow
became the enemy

My lid took offense
and prepared for defense
by developing a chalazion


Oh to the chalazion
so stubborn and at home
on my lid she sits

So proud and unwanted

Leaving me to determine
do I cause her great shock
and let the doc
carve her out

Or continue to bout
with all I must do 
to prepare for her
natural death.

By Lynn Hahn

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Such a rush
don’t be late

Think they’ll wait


Start on time
is their rhyme

The world tries to be
on a schedule

Till Mother Nature
steps in

Does her thing




and such

Not much 
man can do with that

So who’s in control?

We may think we are 

We’re Not.

By Lynn Hahn

Saturday, January 21, 2017


OK a little dicey but in art you must take chances right? The photo is of me when I was a Hollywood sex kitten about 30 years ago...yikes!


When will it stop
being all about him

Such a short

Such a strong impact…


He never 

He was a fragment
of her imagination

A fling
that offered a ring

For a price
She could not afford…


Babe be my wife
give me your life

Like a mail order

Like she had no pride
too mild
for a thought or a need

Had to plead
to be set free
from the hold he had on her…


She had never craved
a man

Like she did him

A fantasy in her head
is all that is left…


A fire that burned
thru her heart
and passion

Sexual heights
not imagined

Then like an orgasm

he was gone…

By Lynn Hahn

Friday, January 20, 2017


Wouldn't it be great if we could go back and delete things we said that made us feel like horrible beings.

Feeling really bad
very sad

Wish I could hold 
my tongue 

Leave judgement 
to the man above


Trying to learn how
to balance this all

Too much on my plate

Don’t want to hate


When to talk
and when not

Is a talent I need
to hone in

Perfection is a goal
not a reality

Is anyone perfect? 


Time for chocolate 
and a good movie.

By Lynn Hahn

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Variety is the spice of life. So many different types of poems...ones that make you think...ones that make you laugh...ones that make you mad....ones that you sad. No matter... poems make my world go round hope you like them too!

What is a poem?

Words that provoke thought…

Do they need to rhyme?


That is fun tho

They should 
tickle your brain

And make you 

What’s the meaning
what’s this about

Scratch your head
shuffle your feet

Look up in the air
do I really care

Yes Yes I do

I know I’ll figure it out
in a minute or two.

By Lynn Hahn

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Love is not a word 
to be thrown around

Sometimes it is used too freely 
like it’s a ticket to paradise

Love is a very deep

It is something that is real
can almost be touched

It never goes away
Using that word can fill the soul
or tear it apart if it is not truly 
from the heart
When you learn that 
someone used the word 
but did not mean it

It’s like having an amputation
it hurts beyond belief

Feels like the wall 
you were leaning on 
crumbles and you fall to the ground

Just from the miss use
of that sound

The journey back is 
very painful

Because when you used
the word 

You meant it…

By Lynn Hahn

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


This one is tough to talk about. It is so very very true.

Why chop down this tree
of honor?

The greatest gift God
provides is our children

If we are lucky enough
to have them

And privileged enough
for them to want to spend
time with us

We have been given riches
beyond any material reward
To take a hatchet 
and cut down the

Is beyond foolish

Better to cut off your
right arm

Someday you will
wake up and wish
you would have rejoiced 

When you son reached out
his right arm 

to you.

By Lynn Hahn

Monday, January 16, 2017

GOTTA Luv em

Well my puppy Beau is shedding!  When it's really cold I run around the house in thick socks with no shoes and this is my evening gift..

My sweet puppy 
sheds so much

When my feet are cold 
I put on 
my favorite thick socks
while I run around the house
When I remove them 
at night

my socks look
like a sweater
for my foot!

By Lynn Hahn


How can you be such
a combination

The wonders of heaven
and the darkness of hell

The sunshine reflects off 
your soul 

and then plummets to the storms
of the worst winter
Oh how I needed your

I wish you could see
how wondrous it is

Why you show pride
in your dark side 

is beyond my understanding
I know I can not change you
so I keep my distance

When everything in my being
wants to be with you.

By Lynn Hahn


It's so easy to be negative in poems to get out sadness and anger. They become sort of like the news mostly sad stuff.  Gotta remind myself that yes there is a huge need for sad emotions to be worked out but you gotta find the happy too!

Can’t be all sad
some need to be glad

Happy and uplifting

Lots of poems about
aches and sorrows

Got to have some hopes
for tomorrows
Variety is the spice of life

Humor is reality 
turned inside out

Got to shout out
happy words


or your life becomes 
Yes there is plenty 
needed change

Many things need
to be rearranged
But on the way
have some fun play

or your days 
become colorless 

all black
add some reds, blues
greens and yellows

You’ll find them in nature

Which is where happiness
is grown

The happy zone
you must visit 

As often as you can
That is the land where dreams come true
lessening the degree of need

To write only sad mad poems.

By Lynn Hahn

Sunday, January 15, 2017


 Parenting can be beyond easy. Sometimes you need to let go out of love..

Surprises come everyday
some small 
some large

Then there was you
So young
I tried to do the dance

I tripped 
and dropped 
you on your head 

I tried to pick you up
but didn’t know how
To this day you hate me

To this day I let you
Because I am old
and wiser
I realize

Sometimes hate heals
You need it to make
your world right

So I sit here tonight
hoping your heart is full

With just a small piece hiding
deep inside for me

The fool who still 
loves you.

By Lynn Hahn

Saturday, January 14, 2017


This is Betty last year so sad she is the one who passed and I am sitting by her grave waiting for her now.

Dedication from a canine
far surpasses humans abilities
or understanding

A love so pure
they would lay down 
their lives at every situation

When you pass 

and leave them behind
they grieve in a way 
so pure and real

They wait for us
for they have faith
they will see us again

And they do.

                                               By Lynn Hahn

Friday, January 13, 2017


I dabble in photography. I thought how fun would that be. Look at my photos and write poems about what they tell me...

Why aren’t you sitting with me
such beauty to see
such an empty bench
without your touch close to me.

By Lynn Hahn


OK so I wanted to do a poem that focuses on H's. My mind went a bit dark...not unusual. I had fun with the crazy art. So here's today's poem of H's...
Hate holds hard onto my heart

He has horrible hang ups
that harm my happiness

Hence my world was hindered 

A husband he is not
but he is hot

Hostility fills my hours
like a hobby 
If I could hire 
a hit man

and hide 
from the heat

It would be helpful
tho harsh

So I hesitate
I could not handle
his habits

You reap what you harvest
My head is hazy
it needs a holiday

From the hook
he has on my mind.

By Lynn Hahn