Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Dedicated to learning the rules so
he can defend others

He rides his bike on the snowy road
white breath streaming from his nostrils 

So much to learn such a high cost
thoughts of comfort at the end  
brought warmth to his body

Promised an easy road once
completing his journey
He hits black ice and skids almost falling
he relaxes and goes with the flow
because he knows he is assured 
his reward will come when he is done

Faster and faster he goes
trusting the word of honor

Many obstacles get in his way
he swerves around them 
sometimes goes thru them

He sees some others have turned around 
and wonders why
The route is longer than he anticipated
he begins to tire

Determined he continues 
his body getting so cold

He keeps going because he was told
it will pay off at the end

He sees others laying on the ground their bikes

Concern begins to visit his mind
but forward he goes so he’ll be on time

Muscles are burning wheels keep turning
slower and slower 
Was he on the wrong street?
he should be there by now

Confusion fills his thoughts
I know it is here
this was the way

Soon he sees another biker
asks “am I  going the correct way?"

“No” says the biker
"because you were told a lie"

"There is no destination" 
the biker said with a deep sigh

"We’ve been tricked by the leaders
not sure why"

He looks at his hands blue from the cold
standing with nothing in them

Such a shock

He slowly turns his bike around
then pedals as fast as he can 

Not sure where he’ll end up
but not willing to give up

He knows he will find another destination
because that’s what he does

When life knocks him down 
He gets up off the ground
and starts again…

By Lynn Hahn

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